- Team Building & Theatre Games
- Authentic Presence & Meisner Technique
- Movement & Devised Theatre
- Creative Writing & Playmaking
- Physical Awareness, Meditation, &. Yoga
- Character Development & Physical Embodiment
- Monologue & Audition Preparation
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Communication and Presence for Non-Actors
This workshop offers simple and effective acting tools to the non-actor for cultivating presence and authenticity in daily life. Each workshop begins with physical awareness and relaxation techniques then moves into ensemble group exploration followed by partnered moment to moment analysis and adjustments. The acting skills translate directly to real life communication with business clients, partners and personal contacts.

Meisner Technique
Students are guided through the foundational acting exercises developed by Sanford Meisner. The tools of the technique build connection through listening and attention on your scene partner, allowing for moment-to-moment authentic response.

Ensemble Movement & Composition – Viewpoints
This workshop explores myriad possibilities for theatrical collaboration and storytelling. Designed for all experience levels, new students can jump in and play, while those with experience in devising and Viewpoints work will enjoy these elements in different combinations. Working with the full ensemble as well as in small groups, students will have opportunities to create multiple compositions using such elements as kinesthetic response, spatial relationships, tempo, and gesture, with further inspiration from personal writing, poetry, endowed objects and other devising formats.

Monologue & Audition Workshop
The monologue has become a staple for actors at all levels. Seasoned actors can use the workshop to polish or work new audition pieces. Beginning actors will receive assistance with monologue selection, explore character and text analysis. We’ll focus on creating visceral imaginary circumstances, relationship, objective, obstacle, tactics, environment, emotional prep, and “the moment before.”